My Wonderful Family

My Wonderful Family
McKell, Austin, Hannah, HoneyBun, Nathan, Dillan

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hotter than Haiti Benefit Concert

I am currently in the process of planning a Till We Have Faces concert to raise money for Ruuska Village on Sept 25! It will coincide with the Hotter than Haiti fun run held earlier that day. More information about the run and Ruuska Village can be found here at Mandi's Blog.

On another note. The kids have all been in school now for about two weeks and have settled into the routine. All is going well and they are enjoying it! The Hubby is in Poland right with the National Guard. He will be there for the month. I finally was able to talk to him for a few minutes last night and all is going well. They did have a few hang up getting there. It turned out that it was easier for them to fly into Germany and then take a train to Poland vs. flying into Poland. All of this had to be changed at the very last minute and when you are talking military personnel, weapons, orders being changed, etc. it turn into quite a headache. But so far all is well!

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