Hannah, I've got some news for you. Someday, you will like boys. You will even think that some of them are cute. And unfortunately, many of them will think the same thing about you, because lets face it- You are CUTE!
But here's the thing... those boys who have learned how to treat a young lady with respect, to treat her as a daughter of God, and who will hold you in the highest regard are the only boys who will be worth your time and attention.
I have learned from past experience that in the blink of an eye, you will be grown up. It makes me sad to think of this. You are so precious and innocent- still willing to be a child with the wonder of the world before you. Just don't grow up too fast. Hold on to your childhood and love every minute of it! Growing up as the baby of the family in a household of teenagers and adults, you have gained a different perspective on life and have been adored by your family and pretty much everyone who meets you. Always realize and remember the reality of who you are- a beloved daughter of God, with immense capacity for good, whose right it is to be treated with respect.
So yes, while it is a bit embarrassing for both you and the boys your age, you are all learning valuable lessons of respect and courtesy that are greatly missing in the world today. Plus, I promise that it won't be that far down the road that you won't mind the attention at all.
Hannah with her Carousel Valentine Box.
(Hannah, I had so much fun making this with you!)